Children of a King: We had a FHE based on the movie, "Tangled" last Monday. We talked about how we are like Rapunzel, children of a royalty but we are separated from Him and come to a place where we are told all sorts of different things about who we are and what our purpose in life is and what the world is like. Then we get the opportunity to discover who we really are, and when we search in the right place we find out that we are Children of a King. Then we had a "Tangled" maze through the house: yellow yard strung up all through the house. At different points the yarn would split into two sections. One side would have a paper describing a lie Satan tells us in this life and the other would have a truth that our Heavenly Father wants us to know. The lie would lead to a dead end and the truth would lead us further along the maze. We ended up upstairs in the master bedroom where there were crowns for all the kids that said "Daughter of a King" or "Son of a King" along with jewel ring pops (courtesy of my friend who brought dinner over that night - perfect). The kids loved it.
Spring Has Come: The weather has been BEAUTIFUL this past week. We even busted out the shorts on Sunday (and after half of the family coincidentally put on plaid shorts, the rest of us followed). This nice weather has also meant the arrival of "the allergies" (as Ben calls them), and they have hit me like a mack truck. YIKES. I've been taking allergy medicine and using eye drops and spraying nasal spray. This is the worst I have ever gotten them, and I'm hoping my body adjusts REALLY SOON.
What a fun mom you are Tera! Love keeping up with your cute little family on your blog!!
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