Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Growing Little "Oom-Bob"

HA! - The nicknames we come up with in this house (and I'm probably the author of most of them...he he he). Austin has grown so much, and they change so much so quickly at this age - it's crazy. He is just a couple days away from being 4 months old. So, some things about our little Austin:
*He loves to be standing up (I think it's so that he can look around at everything that is going on). He has wanted to stand almost since birth.
*Because he is so social and loves to be a part of everything sometimes he can't relax, so all we do it put a light blanket over his eyes and he'll instantly calm right down.
*He is a good little sleeper: 10 hours straight at night and 2 good naps a day.
*He is a serious spitter - he might just be the winner in our family (and that is really saying something).
*He coo's and caah's and giggles, and when he smiles he whole body shakes.
*We gave him his first little taste of something besides mommy milk the other day - a pickle. He sucked right on it - no turned up face or anything.
*I got a little johnny-jump-up toy and the kids love to swing him in that, which he also enjoys (as long as he isn't left alone).
*He is a finger sucker...actually, more like a hand-muncher. He gets his whole fist in there. I keep pulling out his fingers and replace with a binkie, but when he wants his hands he WANTS his hands (and he'll spit that binkie right out).
*He is such a fun, cute little guy. We love him to pieces and bits.

1 comment:

Knudson's said...

Such a cute little nickname! He's so adorable and I love his laughing picture!