Nathan turned one year old last Friday. I can't believe it's been a year already. We made a "dinosaur land cake" for him (Ben's idea), and he LOVED it. Here are some fun facts about our one year old little man:
*He is a good screamer (loves to scream at us when he wants something)
*He makes the cutest little squealing noises and also likes the sound it makes when he takes loud breaths in
*He is a good sleeper: 12 hours at night (7 to 7) and two naps during the day (about 3 hours total)
*He is crawling all over the place
*He loves to climb up the stairs and then look at us from the top and smile
*He can stand by himself for short periods of time and likes to walk along things
*He loves his baby cereal and almost all vegetables, most fruits, yogurt, sweet things, ice, oatmeal, crackers, soups, etc...but NOT cheese
*He will scrunch up his face and nose and breathe in and out with his nose (hilarious to watch)
*He loves the bath and splashing all over in it
*He does not love getting dressed...EVER (he cries almost every morning while we dress him)
*He has three bottom teeth and his two top front teeth trying to pop through
*He likes to bob his head up and down when there is good be-bop music on
*He goes by the nicknames, "Chub," "Chubby," "Chibby Chap," and "Nathy Pants"
*He is currently 23 lbs and 29 1/2 inches long
We love you Chub! Happy Birthday