Tuesday, April 7, 2009

All in a Days Work

Yesterday I:
*Was up and dressed and ready for the day by 7:45 AM
*Got Caelan off to school (a little early, pretty amazing with 5 kids in tow, 4 under the age of 2 1/2)
*Fed and dressed Megan and Nathan
*Picked up the house
*Cleaned the bathroom
*Swept and vacuumed all floors
*Fed lunch to all 4 kids (my two, plus two that I was babysitting)
*Put the kids down for a nap
*Swept the back patio
*Weeded the front yard
*Washed and folded two loads of laundry
*Tried to read an Ensign article as I played with Nathan (who woke up early)
*Picked up Caelan from school (this was quite a feat. Picture this: a double stroller with a two year old girl in front, a two year old boy in the second seat with Megan sitting behind him, and me holding Nathan in my arms as I push the stroller up to the school to sign out Caelan)
*Said goodbye as the two extra kiddos went home
*Helped Caelan with her homework and reading
*Ran to the grocery store
*Made dinner
*Fed Nathan and then the rest of the kids
*Put Nathan to bed
*Had Family Home Evening with the girls
*Put them to bed
*Sat down (for the rest of the night).....Ahhhhh. So nice!


CamilleJohnFam said...

Doesn't it feel good to have a productive day? Good job! Is Sean still in CA? Is that move next on the agenda?

jamie said...

geesh tera, your making me tired reading about your busy day, if you ever need a brake i hope you know you are welcome to call me and i will take your kids off your hands for a couple hours! :)

Janelle said...

Don't scare me. I don't have kids yet...and I want to continue wanting them! Haha! You need an assistant!

Jessica said...

your great....it's it amazing how we don't want to get out of bed in the morning but when we are up and dressed before the sun we get SO much more done in the day....it feels GOOD.


It is so good that you wrote all of that down, because when you get older you will forget how darn busy you were when you had little kids! Thanks for reminding all of us! Glad I found your blog!

shawna henrie said...

and don't ya just love it when hubby comes home and says, "so, what did you do today?" and you look at him with a blank face and have to think, "what DID i do?" I have had countless days like yours...and what fun they were (and are)!!! i am still somewhat in the thick of it...just bigger kids who don't fit in strollers anymore (although i wish they did sometimes!)